I shall ransom them from the power of Sheol;I shall redeem them from Death. O Death, where are your plagues?  O Sheol, where is your sting?Compassion is subconscious from my eyes. Though he may flourish among his brothers The east wind, the wind of the Lord, shall come, Rising from the wilderness. And his fountain shall dry out upwardly; His leap shall be parched; It shall strip his treasury of every precious matter. Samaria shall bear her guilt, Because "she has rebelled against her God; They shall fall by the sword; Their lilliputian ones shall exist dashed in pieces, And their significant women ripped open. –Hosea 13:14-1

What is the "Air current of God"? It is the Spirit, the Breath of God who helps us in our weakness. I practice not know most you, but I know that I am weak. I need the Spirit's aid. The "Breath of God" is mighty. Nosotros desire for the Spirit of God – for His breath- to move both in ability and in grace. Mighty ability, Gentle Grace

…. Susan H Bissette

Hosea delivers the give-and-take of the Lord, prophesying Israel's fate if the people go on to worship Baal and other simulated gods, in defiance of God's commandments. The east wind, the wind of God, can be destructive if nosotros defy God's commandments.

Fifty-fifty though we practice not worship Baal, nosotros all have our idols, and worship them in defiance of God. Whether our idol is money, possessions, sports personalities, entertainers or a host of other possibilities, if it commands our admiration of, and replaces our love and worship of the Lord, then we are Baal worshipers.

Examine your life, read God's discussion, larn what he expects from you, get to church and Sunday Schoolhouse and acquire from others. Throw Baal in the trash and feel the peace and joy of talking with, walking with and worshiping the one true God. Let the eastward wind exist a gentle breeze in your life—the breath of God.


Rev. Bennett summarizes our weekly reading.

Rev. Roger Bennett summarizes Proverbs in our calendar week 23  video for Bible Quest and gives a brief preview of our reading for the upcoming calendar week! Hope yous are enjoying this year-long read through the Bible program.

What a blessing that on  Fifth Dominicus in January, traditionally the solar day that nosotros reserve for New Member Dinner, we had 2 lovely people join our congregation equally members, Rev. Ed Koffenberger and Rev. Mary Ann Koffenberger. They take attended our worship services several times in  recent months, and Ed has even served as minister in our pulpit on several occasions and Mary Ann joined him to provide the communion message ane Sunday. Truthfully they were already beginning to feel like family before publicly asking to bring together the congregation. Elder John Beeman provided the invitation and extended the Hand of Fellowship to the couple. Ed and Mary Ann were invited to join us (First in line!) for our fellowship meal. Let's be certain to take an opportunity and welcome the Koffenbergers to our family! – Melissa Watson

Jesus answered, "The nigh important is, Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God "the Lord is one. And y'all shall love the Lord your God with all your middle and with all your soul and with all your listen and with all your strength." –Mark 12:29-31

That was Jesus' answer to the question, "Which commandment is the near important of all?" And so, we must love God! But how do nosotros evidence our dear for God?

Sometimes it is hard to limited love in a new and different fashion, peculiarly with our children. My girl, who is a nurse, was having an incredibly challenging fourth dimension in the Covid ward this twenty-four hours. The immature patients in her intendance were fearful for their lives and it weighed heavy on my daughter's middle. I was considering words of encouragement to text her when I reached for my newly purchased ruddy/white cup full of my morning java. A dark heart grade of mash stared back at me. I quickly took a photograph of the java prototype and sent to her with the following message. "Sending a loving cup of love from my new 10 cent mug." She instantly messaged back two . —–Susan H Bissette

In a story published 15 August 2016 in Christian Today, by JB Cachila, the author answers the question of "how we love God" this way: "While loving God [with all our middle, mind, soul and force]…may sound similar a lot…its actually simpler than that. We only need to do one thing: We have to obey His word. The Lord Jesus briefly explained this in John fourteen:15: If yous dear Me, keep My commandments."

At that place is more. We must believe that He loves us and that He will guide us and protect usa. If we trust Him. So put all your trust in the Lord. Remember the hymn "Trust and Obey." For there'due south no other way.

We have our annual congregational meeting to corroborate the church upkeep this Dominicus, January 30th immediately following the worship service. Later on, nosotros will accept a Fifth Sun Dinner. Everyone should bring a dish to exist shared. We will besides recognize our friends who take January birthdays. Promise to run across you all there.


Information technology is difficult to believe, but we begin Calendar week 21 of our "Read through the Bible plan" tomorrow. Information technology has been an astonishing journeying. Covid has caused and so much of our lives to alter. I started thinking about Bible Quest when we start started  battling against Covid 19. Everyone was isolating, wearing masks, and generally keeping oneself to oneself. Nosotros still are battling. It seems to be a never catastrophe battle, only God can alter bad into expert. God has us in his hands. While sequestered at dwelling house, I watched a lot of YouTube. I discovered many slap-up channels with Christian creators. I began to hear near several "read through the Bible" plans. It is something that I always wanted to do but but had non yet started. The YouTube videos inspired me to exercise further research on Christian YouTube channels and read through the Bible plans. I found some corking ones. I especially liked what the guys were doing at Bible Project. They had a great reading plan that would take me through the Bible in one year. Non merely that, but these guys had a website that provided me with videos explaining what I was reading in simple and fun ways. I was hooked. I went to the church building's communications chair, Mac Harris and together we developed Bethany'south Bible Quest. We wanted something scripture based but that was approachable, and we wanted something flexible. Nosotros added our own videos to the the plan. At present, if someone was interested but not very "techy" they could simply skip that office. We provided them with a difficult re-create of the "read through the Bible" schedule, and Roger would summarize the reading on Sunday morning. It was and is a truly a customizable and personalized program. It has been fun listening to everyone'due south story as they exercise their readings. Some people who were totally confronting the plan in the beginning accept been the biggest supporters one time they got started. My own journey has been interesting. I have learned and so much, but I still struggle with staying on chore. But reading the Bible isn't a race or a merit badge, or something one just does. Information technology is an important part of our Christian walk, and information technology does non matter if I get off runway with my reading and have to take hold of up. What matters is that I continue my reading, and that I continue to strive to do what I am called to do. I hope you are enjoying this journeying, and I hope you lot don't give up even when you struggle to "catch upwards." …Melissa Watson

Due to the icy road conditions, the board has decided to cancel worship services, Dominicus School, and other church activities for Saturday, January 22 and Dominicus, January 23. At this time, all activities scheduled for Mon will resume every bit scheduled. Please check back for updates. If you have whatsoever questions, please contact Melissa Watson, secretarial assistant, at 252-474-6858. The church office is too closed.

What are the commencement three things that yous notice nigh this flick, Dale?  I asked my married man, just to see what he might say. Dale replied, "I see that they are all holding candles., The women are grin. And they're wearing something colorful. Information technology looks like they're celebrating."

Bingo!  Way to go, Dale! While he didn't know the specifics, he accurately described the fact that the Bethany'south Christian Women'due south Fellowship installed their 2022 officers in a ceremony, photographed in the narthex, on Sun, January 16thursday.  Information technology was a celebration.  Annually, women in the church accept the call to serve the needs of Bethany and our community in general.  "Open our eyes to the needs of the world and fill our hearts with concern for all people.  Guide us that nosotros may truly serve you through Jesus Christ, Our Lord" are words of the opening prayer of a CWF meeting.

The candles we are belongings represent sharing Christ's light, guiding the mode. And the "colorful" office of the photograph?  Outgoing vice-president, Christine Beeman, presented each officer (outgoing and incoming) with an apron, as a symbol of preparing oneself to serve. Each adult female was able to choose her favorite colour.

From left to right in the photo:

Shirley Ensley protected in a lovely imperial apron is our 2022 President

Polly Surprenant wearing bluish is the 2022 Worship Chair

Juanita Arrington donning light blueish equally she is inducted for a second term equally Service.

Janci Cahoon is pretty in pinkish and will be our Treasurer for 2022; she was Treasurer also during 2021.

Renee Midyette chose the lovely calorie-free blue apron and was 2021 Secretary and will exist in Service for 2022.

Susan Bissette  is wearing pink and will serve every bit our 2022 Secretarial assistant and again in Service.

Christine Beeman was the 2021 Vice President (acting president) and as well served in Service for 2021 and has agreed to be in Service over again for the 2022 term.

Tricia Johnston chose purple perhaps to represent the beautiful flowers of Bethany Blossoms that she places to adorn our church.

Not pictured are Melissa Watson – approachable Worship Chair and incoming Vice President for 2022; Linda Watson who will serve as Missions Chair again in 2022; and (photographer) Jennie Adams, outgoing Service Chair, who chose the wonderful orange frock .

Cheers ladies for your fourth dimension and free energy in 2021 and thank you to all who have agreed to serve in 2022! ——–Jennie Adams