Make America Great Again Welcome Celebrationã¢â‚¬â Live From the Lincoln Memorial

The Trump Countdown Concert just ended. If you lot were lucky enough to miss watching it, here's a detailed run-down of the surreal, glory-costless show.

First, there were some innocuous marching bands playing patriotic music. They so sent out the existent party-starter: Ravidrums, aka Ravi Jakhotia, Travis Barker's heir emergent, who played along to patriotic synth-orchestral pseudo-EDM on his massive electro-toy-pulsate-set. The names of all the American states flashed on giant screens around the Lincoln Memorial:

Then, Jon Voight emerged, and discussed how Trump had "answered all of our prayers" before introducing Sam & Dave's Sam Moore (the "Gramming…Grammy-honor winning rock'n'gyre…fable"), who sang a highly improvisatory, gospel interpretation of "America," backed by a chamber choir. Occasionally, the ABC broadcast would cutting abroad to shots of Lincoln's statue, or to a shot of a guy with a "Bikers for Trump" jacket sitting stage left:

Everything You Missed From the Make America Great Again! Welcome Celebration Concert

It turned out the "Soul Man" singer was really just an opener for the Former Baby-sit Fife and Pulsate Core, who got a lot more stage time:

Everything You Missed From the Make America Great Again! Welcome Celebration Concert

At that place was then a lengthy interruption while a weird duo of Rolling Stones songs–"Let's Spend the Night Together" and "Y'all Tin't Ever Get What Y'all Want"–played over the loudspeakers

Then Trump and Melania walked out, very slowly, to "Centre of Stone" by the Stones:

Everything You Missed From the Make America Great Again! Welcome Celebration Concert

Hither are some of the lyrics to that very creepy vocal:

At that place've been so many girls that I've known
I've made so many cry and nevertheless I wonder why
Here comes the little girl I see her walking down the street
She's all by herself I endeavor and knock her off her feet
But, she'll never break, never pause, never pause, never break
This heart of rock

The Frontmen of Country "supergroup" took the stage next. Tim Rushlow, Larry Stewart, and Marty Roe's prepare included "Walking in Memphis" and "Proud to Exist an American":

Lee Greenwood took the phase next and performed "Proud to Be an American," looking like an assassin from a Steven Segal picture. Jared Kushner sang along:

Everything You Missed From the Make America Great Again! Welcome Celebration Concert

Side by side, skillful Southern boys three Doors Down tore information technology down, while stock footage of happy Americans cooking and building things and working on aircraft carriers played. Yes, they played "Kryponite":

Everything You Missed From the Make America Great Again! Welcome Celebration Concert Everything You Missed From the Make America Great Again! Welcome Celebration Concert

The crowd went wild!

Everything You Missed From the Make America Great Again! Welcome Celebration Concert

Then, the United States Regular army Band "Pershing's Own" dropped John Philip Sousa'due south "The Liberty Bell," which is besides, mind you, the theme to Monty Python'due south Flying Circus. Unfortunately, a huge human foot did not sally to crush the proceedings.

Everything You Missed From the Make America Great Again! Welcome Celebration Concert

Against all odds, Ravidrums returned to the stage with a dance crew of people doing uncoordinated robot dances in shitty robot suits. It was a similar real-life Tim and Eric episode.

Everything You Missed From the Make America Great Again! Welcome Celebration Concert Everything You Missed From the Make America Great Again! Welcome Celebration Concert

Next upwardly was the One-Direction-roofing, dancing, YouTube stars Piano Guys, who play the pianoforte in all the funny ways:

Everything You Missed From the Make America Great Again! Welcome Celebration Concert

More Ravidrums followed, then more Army Band, and then — every bit the journalist put it, "i of the nigh popular artists in history" — Toby Keith, who thanked his fans and Obama along with Trump, and sang of red Solo cups:

The concert ended with an clearly unrehearsed speech by Trump, who boasted of the success of his move and failed to call up that Obama's inauguration had also been held in front end of the Lincoln Memorial just eight years prior.  After a fireworks display, Journeying's "Don't Terminate Believing" began playing over loudspeakers.

"Now we're hearing Journey, virtually every bit if it'south the last episode of The Sopranos," CNN's Jake Tapper said. Indeed.


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